- 0$ÂValid for 12 months
- 50$Every monthValid for 12 months
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Streams Membership
Perfect if you just want information & community to support your work
Valid for 12 months
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Rivers Membership
Every month
Monthly emails, blog updates | Join our Facebook Community | Grant matches
Valid for 12 months
Be a part of our Facebook Community
Get limited access to our online resources
We will match your organisations projects with grants
A quartertly highlight on our social media platforms
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15% off workshops and conference
Flood Zone Membership
Every month
When we become your outsourced Fundraising Team
Valid for 12 months
+ 30 day free trial
You get real estate on our charity page
You have full access to all resources on our membership page
We advocate for your cause and initiate partnerships
We create bimonthly content for you to post on socials
You're part of our community page on FB
Discounts on workshops and conferences
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